Post date : 20/10/2023


Exterior wall cracks are a common issue that many people have to deal with, and they can lead to structural damage and a decrease in the aesthetics of a home or building. Below is a guide on how to effectively address exterior wall cracks.

Step 1: Inspect and Assess Cracks

  • First, you should thoroughly inspect the exterior walls to identify the type of cracks and the extent of the damage. Cracks can be small, wide, vertical, or horizontal.

Step 2: Identify the Cause

  • After determining the type of crack, identify the cause of it. Exterior wall cracks can be caused by material expansion and contraction, weathering, or technical issues.

Step 3: Prepare Tools and Materials

  • Depending on the type of crack and the cause, you will need to prepare the appropriate tools and materials. Common materials include cement, mortar, waterproof sealant, and patching compound.

Step 4: Repair the Wall Cracks

  • Use a utility knife to widen and clean the crack. Then, use a trowel to create a smooth surface for patching.

  • Patch the crack with the suitable material. For larger cracks, you can use cement or mortar. For smaller cracks, use waterproof sealant or patching compound.

  • Use a trowel to smooth the patched surface and ensure it is applied evenly and fully absorbed.

Step 5: Maintain and Prevent

  • To prevent the recurrence of cracks, conduct regular inspections and maintenance of the exterior walls.

  • Avoid using inappropriate or low-quality materials for patching, as this can worsen the condition of the wall.

  • Protect the walls from weather and environmental factors by painting or implementing other preventive measures.

Dealing with exterior wall cracks is an important process to maintain the durability and aesthetics of a home or building. If you are not confident in performing this task, seek assistance from construction experts or experienced repair professionals.

See more: Instructions for handling external wall cracks:

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